Watermelon Growing Zone

Watermelon growing zone
Watermelons do best in loamy, somewhat-sandy, well-drained soil. They can struggle in soil that contains too much clay and doesn't drain well. Watermelons prefer a soil pH between 6.0 and 7.5 (“slightly acidic to neutral”). Watermelons need A LOT of space—up to 20 square feet per plant.
What month do you plant watermelon?
Watermelons need about 100 days of warm weather to produce an edible melon. If the warm, late fall and winter weather of recent years continues, you may get a watermelon for Christmas. The best times to sow seeds for watermelons are early March and early August.
How long does watermelon take to grow?
It takes the shortest amount of time to mature, about 70 to 75 days. A main-season watermelon is larger and takes longer to ripen, usually 80 to 90 days.
How late can you plant watermelon?
Plant watermelon from late spring to early summer, once soil temperatures reach 70° F or above.
How many watermelons do you get from 1 plant?
The number of vines determines how many watermelons there are per plant as each vine can produce between two to four melons during the growing season. Watermelons grow best in a planting site that has a lot of open space. Watermelon vines ramble, so your plants are going to spread out around your garden as they grow.
Do watermelons like sun or shade?
Regardless of what variety you grow in your pots, be sure to site the containers in a location where they receive a minimum of 8 hours of full sun per day. Watermelons will not form flowers or fruits if they don't get enough sun.
How cold is too cold for watermelons?
If dry storage temperatures are above 75 °F, shelf life will decline to 5 days. At temperatures between 32 and 45 °F, water- melons are subject to chilling injury that may result in pitting, off-flavors, and color loss.
Is July too late to plant watermelon?
Sow watermelon seeds in May or June when the soil temperatures reach at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit. In warm climates, you can do a second planting in August or September.
How do you make watermelon sweeter when growing?
Heat brings out melons' sweetness, so make sure to plant them in a location that warms up early in spring and stays hot through the end of September. The south side of a fence or wall is ideal as the structure will absorb heat and light from the sun and reflect it back onto the melons.
Do watermelons come back every year?
Do watermelon plants come back every year? Watermelon plants do not come back every year as they are tender annuals. This means they complete their entire lifecycle in one season and are then killed off by the first frosts.
Does watermelon regrow every year?
Absolutely! Watermelon is growing somewhere at any point during the year, which means it's always available. Check out this handy chart to see where your watermelon is coming from. To get your watermelon fix during colder months just look for minis or “fresh cut” containers of watermelon in the produce aisle.
Is watermelon difficult to grow?
The great news: watermelon is relatively easy to grow! It takes a long season and thrives in hot weather, but give it some space to sprawl, and it's mostly maintenance-free!
How often do you water a watermelon?
Watering 1–2 times each week works best for healthy watermelon plants. Aim to keep the soil evenly moist at all times—not too dry and not too wet. Give your young watermelon vines 2 inches (5 cm) of water every week. Decrease water to 1 inch (2.5 cm) weekly once fruit sets on the vines.
When should I stop watering my watermelon?
If it's wet, let it dry out for a few days and check again. Stop watering the plants altogether about 10 days before you harvest the melons. This will allow the sugars in the fruit to concentrate and the flesh to stay crisp. This makes for much better tasting watermelon.
How deep do watermelon plants need to be?
Plant watermelon into 12-inch-tall hills of soil that are spaced at least 6 feet apart. Sow 6–8 seeds per hill, later thinning to 3–4 plants per hill. Sow watermelon seeds ½-inch deep.
What happens if you plant watermelons too close together?
In the case of spacing watermelon plants, those set too far apart waste valuable garden space while those set too close together compete for light, air and soil nutrients, resulting in a potentially compromised crop.
Should I trim watermelon vines?
Pruning watermelons promotes healthier vines and increases fruit size. Look for irregular or rotting fruit to prune from the plant. Removing the less than perfect melons will enable the plant to focus energy towards growing bigger, healthier, juicier melons.
How often do watermelons need to be fertilized?
When should I fertilize watermelon? Start fertilizing right after transplanting. Melons do best when treated with small amounts of fertilizer in two or three applications. During the growing season, liquid (soluble) fertilizers may be applied every 2 weeks and granular fertilizers about every 6 to 8 weeks.
What should not be planted by watermelon?
Watermelon Companion Plants & Non-Companions For companion plants, you're going to want to plant it with things like radishes, lettuces & then avoid things like cucumber, zucchini, and basically anything in the melon family. Basically they make it difficult for the plants to grow and mature and can attract diseases.
Do watermelons grow well in pots?
Watermelons grow well in pots if you select the right variety, use a large enough container filled with good soil and find a location that gets enough sun. For each plant, you'll need a container or pot that will hold at least five gallons of soil. Make sure your pots have drainage holes.
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